Driver Initialization Failure On /dev/ipath
Mar 30, 2012 - Subject: Re: OMPI devel Openmpi-1.5.3 issue initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23 From: Jeffrey Squyres jsquyres_at_ hidden.
Buffer at driver initialization and use it sg device such as /dev/sg The SCSI generic packet device driver attempts to make as few.
Will identify any nodes with results outside of the thresholds as FAILED. vi mpi_hosts. jf-1-14.19191 Driver initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23. The most.
Open MPI Development Mailing List Archives
I didn t realize from your text that the SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX value made it work.
If so, I would assume that is a good solution. But I don t know for sure; you might well need to contact QLogic and ask.
On Mar 29, 2012, at AM, Raju wrote:
Thanks for that i will contact them as i mentioned earlier.. OpenMPI developers has provided the solution that we need to set the value for PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX some value.
I kept in input file as export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX 16.. Correct me i have to do it same way or any other ways
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at PM, Jeffrey Squyres wrote:
This looks like a PSM problem PSM is the layer than runs below Open MPI on QLogic NICs. You might need to contact QLogic tech support to find out how to solve it.
I recompiled OMPI with --with-tm option, but still same issue I changed the input file as below Please let me know what i have to fine tune and verify
mpirun -np nprocs /home/khan/a.out /home/khan/iter
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at PM, Raju wrote:
Thanks for the very quick response, I did compiled with -tm option i am doing now, once it done i will revert back
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
One thing stands out right away: why are you specifying a hostfile. Did you remember to configure OMPI with --with-tm so we launch via Torque. If not, then you could hit issues as you are actually attempting to launch via ssh, which has implications on a Torque-based system.
I am using Qlogic Infiniband and Openmpi-1.5.3. I can able to run the jobs by CLI without any issues, but when iam submitting over torque scheduler facing the below issue.
I am facing issue while submitting the jobs through Torque scheduler. Error file is attached initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23
PSM was unable to open an endpoint. Please make sure that the network link is
active on the node and the hardware is functioning.
Error: Failure in initializing endpoint
I gone through the link for solution, same followed but no luck.
I exported the value in my input submit script file as export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX 16, and submitted the job.
mpirun -np nprocs --hostfile PBS_NODEFILE /home/khan/a.out /home/khan/iter
Please let me know I doing correct or not. and suggest me for best out.
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Windows 2000 Driver Initialization Hardware Dev Center. Search Microsoft Search. Hardware Dev Center. Home Explore.
I am using Qlogic Infiniband and Openmpi-1.5.3. I can able to run the jobs
by CLI without any issues, but when iam submitting over torque scheduler
I am facing issue while submitting the jobs through Torque scheduler. Error initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23
PSM was unable to open an endpoint. Please make sure that the network link
active on the node and the hardware is functioning.
Error: Failure in initializing endpoint
solution, same followed but no luck.
I exported the value in my input submit script file as export
PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX 16, and submitted the job.
mpirun -np nprocs --hostfile PBS_NODEFILE /home/khan/a.out
Please let me know I doing correct or not. and suggest me for best out.
text/html attachment: attachment
text/plain attachment: errfile.txt.
R3-Atmos-09.2902Driver initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23 R3-Atmos-09.2891ipath_userinit: mmap of rcvhdrq failed: Resource temporarily.
R3-Atmos-09.2902Driver initialization failure on /dev/ipath Please check /var/log/messages or dmesg for driver specific failure reason. The failure occured.
Mar 29, 2012 - Subject: OMPI devel Openmpi-1.5.3 issue initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23 From: Raju brajuk_at_ hidden Date: 2012-03-29.
Oct 28, 2013 - c1bay2.31114Driver initialization failure on /dev/ipath err 23 The error message seems to indicate an issue with initializing the PSM driver.